Website Launch

Hello! Thanks very much checking out my new website. The new album, Re-Emergents, has been live for several weeks now, and I’m excited to have another forum to communicate all the Noctilusense activity that’s good to share. You can always find me on the social media links listed above as well.

I’m currently working on remixing/remastering a few older pieces that are still on my Bandcamp page to be released as a collection. I’m still happy with the compositions, but I have much better software now (and much more experience!), so I’m eager to revisit them and get another new release ready to keep the momentum going.

I’ve also recently upgraded my pedalboard with some new reverb pedals for even more ambient goodness as well. Is there anything more beautiful than slowly evolving layers of overlapping and gradually fading reverb tails . . .

Standby! The studio record light is red!

Jacob WerreComment